This section of the web site provides information and services that are available only to members of the Pakenham Golf Course.
Your username is your member number and your club will provide you a temporary password for the initial login. Please contact the club if you have any problems with the initial login. Once logged on you will be prompted to change your password. Your new password must be a minimum of seven characters with a combination of at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one number, one symbol and cannot contain your username/member number. This password format is essential to provide a secure system for our users.
Your new password must be a minimum of 7 characters including 1 lowercase letter, 1 uppercase letter, 1 number and 1 special character. This also cannot contain your username/member number. Examples include Golf4me! Or B1rdie#This password format is essential for MiClub to provide a secure system for our users.
Note: The new password you set will also need to be used when logging into your club within the MiScore App.